Am Samstag den 11.08.2012 um Punkt 12.00 Uhr werden wir – Manuela Buschbeck, Catherine Keppel (Künstlerin), Wolfram DER Spyra (Klangkünstler/-forscher), Roksana Vikaluk, Alexander Rausch – die Perfformance d (U) machen. Hier die Entstehungsgeschichte und weitere Infos:
Die Ankündigung
d (U)
Creative transforming process from your past over the immediate present into your highest future possibilities!
Unser Beitrag für das Critical Art Ensemble
Die Wegbeschreibung (Steve Kurz, CAE, Zitat aus Email)
Finding the place can be tricky because there is no real address for some unknown reason. Go to the old Hauptbahnhof (which is near the center). Exit on the north side and you will see a street that runs parallel to the railroad tracks. This street has no name, but you can recognize it because there are warehouses on both sides of the street. Go down the street past the warehouses, and then past some piles of scrap metal (which is actually someone’s sculpture). Our space is the little grey building on the right just past the sculpture. It has no number, but it is the only grey building around. It’s d13 number is pavilion 42.
Nachtrag 08-08-2012
Unser Prozess in den Vorbereitungen ist schon Performance pur – Menschen, Ideen, Veränderung – Mittendrin!
Stay tuned… „d(U) auf der d(13)“